EWUA has achieved another significant milestone. In 2003 Washington adopted water efficiency rules that required water systems to reduce “unaccounted for” water to less than 10% of production. “Unaccounted for” water is any water lost to leaks and other system inefficiencies. In 2000 EWUA’s unaccounted for water was over 30%. Through multiple efforts over the years that figure has been steadily declining. In 2009 EWUA’s “unaccounted for” water was below 10%.
Conservation is a never ending process. New leaks are always developing in a “mature” water system. The proposed USDA funding related in this newsletter will help EWUA continue to make progress in managing our water resources and infrastructure as efficiently as possible. The planned main replacement will eliminate known leaks and decrease the risk on future leaks. The water saved through efficiency gains and conservation can then be put to more beneficial uses, and help keep future system expansion costs to a minimum.