Winterizing Tips

Sub-freezing conditions are just around the corner on Orcas. It’s time to start thinking about “winterizing”. The long range forecast for this coming winter includes a moderate chance of lower than normal temperatures. Below are some of Eastsound Water’s suggestions...

Rate Study Update from Board of Directors

EWUA Rate Committee — Progress Report The Board of EWUA — following a member engagement discussion in September 2016 — has undertaken a review of all aspects of our water use rate structure. A Rate Committee was established consisting of three Board Members, the...

EyeOnWater Feature

YEAH! Over 100 members who have established a LOGIN to Eastsound Water’s new EyeOnWater feature. This new feature allows members to view their recent water use, compare current use to historic use and set leak detection alerts. (Just hearing about EyeOnWater?, Check...

Conservation Gains

For 2009, EWUA’s annual production has declined for the 8th consecutive year. This resource management progress has been the result of multiple factors, including member conservation; fees structure changes that “discourage” unnecessary use; improved operating...