Eastsound Water is undertaking a significant water main flushing project next week. On Tuesday night (Feb 13) crews will be flushing water mains on the lower half of Buck Mountain, and on Terrill Beach and Olga Roads. The work will take place between 9 and 11 p.m....
2017 Annual Meeting Reminder
EWUA 2017 Annual Meeting REMINDER Eastsound Water is hosting a membership meeting on: Thursday, December 14, 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. at the Orcas Senior Center. At this meeting you’ll: Learn about and comment on a proposed new water...
Residential Water Use Chart
How does your home's water use compare to others? This chart might help you understand how your water use compares to others. One of the features of the new rate structures being considered by the EWUA Board is eliminating the "base allotment" concept (5000...
2017 Annual Meeting Announcement
EWUA 2017 Annual Meeting Eastsound Water is hosting a membership meeting on Thursday, December 14, 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. at the Orcas Senior Center. A special rate committee made up from the Eastsound Water Board and general Association members, have worked throughout...
Avoiding a Costly Water Leak
Water for the future is a growing concern on Orcas. I get lots of questions about Eastsound Water’s ability to support the planned growth in our service area. Your Eastsound Water Board and staff are prepared to meet future demand AND continue to promote responsible...
Winterizing Tips
Sub-freezing conditions are just around the corner on Orcas. It’s time to start thinking about “winterizing”. The long range forecast for this coming winter includes a moderate chance of lower than normal temperatures. Below are some of Eastsound Water’s suggestions...
Eastsound Vision Survey… Have you taken it yet?
Rate Study Update from Board of Directors
EWUA Rate Committee — Progress Report The Board of EWUA — following a member engagement discussion in September 2016 — has undertaken a review of all aspects of our water use rate structure. A Rate Committee was established consisting of three Board Members, the...
EyeOnWater Feature
YEAH! Over 100 members who have established a LOGIN to Eastsound Water’s new EyeOnWater feature. This new feature allows members to view their recent water use, compare current use to historic use and set leak detection alerts. (Just hearing about EyeOnWater?, Check...
State Department of Health Recognizes Eastsound’s Water Treatment Performance
Eastsound Water has been recognized by the State Department of Health for our Water Treatment Optimization Performance. Eastsound is again one of the few water systems in Washington that has successfully maintain our voluntary commitment to significantly high...