Board Meeting: October 2023

Hello Member! You are cordially invited to this month’s open meeting of the Board of Directors for Eastsound Water.  The meeting will be held at 4:00 PM tomorrow, October 17, 2023 on Zoom. See details below and we hope to see you there. AGENDA EWUA Board...

Annual Meeting Update and Notice 2023

Dear EWUA Members, Eastsound Water Users Association (the “Association”) is hosting an annual membership meeting on Wednesday November 15, 2023 to be held on Zoom at 3:00 PM in order to announce the results of the election of two of its Directors to serve on the Board...

2018 Annual Meeting Presentations Posted

The Eastsound Water annual meeting was held last night (November 14). More than 30 people attended and there was a lively discussion. The Board announced an upcoming increase in the membership fee. Since 2016 the fee has been $12,700 per ERU. Starting on April 1,...

2018 Annual Meeting Scheduled

SAVE THE DATE: WEDNESDAY, November 14 from 6pm to 8pm at the Eastsound Fire Hall Eastsound Water has scheduled the 2018 the Association's Annual Meeting. At the recent September 18 Board Meeting, several recommendations from the Rate Committee were approved. These...

Posting of 2016 Member Engagement Process Update

Back in 2016, prior to the development of the current Eastsound Water website, a significant membership engagement process was initiated to explore the question of “How should the costs of operating and maintaining our water system be shared equitably and fairly among...