Eastsound Water's new rate structure proposal is a significant change from the current rate structure that has existed since 2004. Lower water users will pay less under the new proposal. Higher water users will pay more,...
Avoiding a Costly Water Leak
Water for the future is a growing concern on Orcas. I get lots of questions about Eastsound Water’s ability to support the planned growth in our service area. Your Eastsound Water Board and staff are prepared to meet future demand AND continue to promote responsible...
Winterizing Tips
Sub-freezing conditions are just around the corner on Orcas. It’s time to start thinking about “winterizing”. The long range forecast for this coming winter includes a moderate chance of lower than normal temperatures. Below are some of Eastsound Water’s suggestions...
Eastsound’s Spell of Sub-Freezing Temperatures
Damage from frozen pipes a potential risk.
Eastsound Water and Eastsound Sewer Bill Paying Confusion
Online Banking Bill Paying Confusion