COVID 19 and Your Water System

Mar 13, 2020 | Conservation, Information

Eastsound Water Users Association is closely monitoring the developments of the spread of COVID-19.    The CDC and Washington Department of Health has issued statements that the COVID 19 virus IS NOT TRANSMITTED through a disinfected water supply such as Eastsound Water’s. 1

The American Water Works Association is encouraging water systems to take efforts to insure the availability of water system operators to maintain operations.   Eastsound staff attend to each of our facilities 7 days a week, 365 days a year to keep the system operating properly and safely.   Having operators in quarantine for extended periods would create operational challenges.   

Eastsound Water is considering a number of actions to protect our team so that we can continue safe reliable service to our members.

EWUA Office

The Eastsound Water office currently remains open.   However, this may need to change in the future. We will notify all members through email and our website of any significant office closures.  

For now, please help us maintain a healthy staff so we can maintain reliable service during this tumultuous time. We ask that you only come into our office if absolutely necessary. If you do come into the office, please help us maintain a safe distance of personal space by remaining at the front counter.  Please DO NOT come to our office if you are in anyway unwell.

We are happy to address your questions, concerns and requests over the phone at 360-376-2127 or via email at or which we will be monitoring closely.

Paying your bill online is convenient and has certain public health benefits.   There is a PAY BILL LOGIN button in the upper right corner of our website.  Using the QUICK PAY feature you can pay our bill with a credit or debit card.    

If you wish to drop off a payment, please drop your payment through the slot in our front door instead of coming inside.  

Public Drinking Water Faucet

Eastsound Water provides free filtered water from a fill station outside our office.  We remove the normal chlorine from this water.  We are committed to maintaining a safe water source through this public faucet for as long as possible.  However, this facility is a potential source for spreading germs, and viruses. Current findings suggest that the Covid 19 can remain viable on stainless steel for up to 3 days, however, the median viability limit is 13 hours2.   Eastsound Water is consulting with Public Health officials to determine when this facility may present too great a risk to remain open.

Eastsound Water is providing sanitation supplies for users of this facility.  We strongly recommend users clean the faucet handles and taps before and after each use.   We also ask that you leave the sanitation supplies there for the next users.

Thank you sincerely, and be well. – EWUA Staff


  1. Can the COVID-19 virus spread through drinking water?