Notice: Fiduciary Breach of Ron Claus and Carol Ann Anderson

Jun 21, 2024 | Farm to Market Lawsuits(s), Notice

Dear Members and water users,

There are two Important items we need to address:

Director Misconduct

We write today to notify you that that two of our elected Board members, Ron Claus and Carol Ann Anderson, have breached their fiduciary duties as Board members of the Association.

This fiduciary breach of these two director’s duties to the Association and our membership took place on May 28, 2024, when Ron Claus and Carol Ann Anderson filed Affidavits with the SJC Superior Court in support of Farm to Market, LLC, who is suing the Association to overturn last fall’s Director election.

The Affidavits they filed have been adopted by the Farm to Market attorney and are likely to be used against the Association during our SJC Superior Court case scheduled for July 3, 2024. We have currently spent approximately $60,000 fighting the Farm to Market lawsuit to date.


Recall Emails, Website and Postcard

A second item that we need to address is the confusing “Recall Water” emails and postcards that have been sent to our customers and members over the past week. We apologize for the distress they may be causing.

Rest assured, the Association is functioning well and is more financially sound than it has even been. Quarter after quarter the Association remains profitable, report after report from financial professionals comes back with zero legal, ethical or operational findings – and best of all – the staff is as strong as it has ever been in our 69-year history.

We urge anyone who has questions or concerns about the running of the business, the solvency of the organization or the cultural health of the staff to please come into the office, call or email us. We are committed to take as much time as needed to answer any of your questions or clarify any accusations until you are satisfied.

You can contact us in the following manner:

Please know that we will do everything possible to protect this great Association and its members.

Teri Nigretto
Board President

Your Privacy                               
We want to ensure you, the membership, that we did not authorize the use of our member list, nor do we condone the use of our member list and your private information for any reason other than Eastsound Water business.