Notice: Lawsuit Filed – TRO Hearing on 8-13-2024

Aug 13, 2024 | Notice



Dear Eastsound Water Member,

The Eastsound Water Users Association was served last Friday at 4:55 pm with a new lawsuit. This lawsuit is related to the recall efforts currently underway. We are required to be in court tomorrow morning at 10:30 am to defend the Association. We will post details of the hearing on our website if you want to attend by Zoom.

I feel it is important to advise the membership of this legal action. The Association’s legal counsel has been apprised of this matter and is hoping to have the case dismissed as efficiently as possible in order to protect the Association and its members’ funds.

I will update you as as we make progress. Until then, if you have  any questions or concerns, you may email the Eastsound Water office at: for general questions, or email me directly at:

Teri Nigretto,
Board President
Eastsound Water