Regular Board Meeting 2/18

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Welcome to Eastsound Water

Water is a precious gift and among our most vital resources. Eastsound Water has the awesome responsibility of delivering safe, high-quality water to our community. It is a responsibility we proudly embrace. Our volunteer board and staff of professionals are dedicated to providing  exceptional service to our 1,300+ members.

All of us at Eastsound Water are committed to the responsible stewardship of our island’s renewable water resources.

Water Main Flushing Notice

Eastsound Water is undertaking a significant water main flushing project next week. On Tuesday night (Feb 13) crews will be flushing water mains on the lower half of Buck Mountain, and on Terrill Beach and Olga Roads. The work will take place between 9 and 11 p.m....

Proposed New Rate Structure Presentation

New Rate Structure Proposal Shared at Annual Meeting At the December 14 annual meeting, there was a presentation and discussion of a new rate structure proposal. Unfortunately, the attendance at the Annual Meeting was low. Through the below link members who were...

2017 Annual Meeting Reminder

EWUA 2017 Annual Meeting REMINDER Eastsound Water is hosting a membership meeting on: Thursday, December 14, 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. at the Orcas Senior Center. At this meeting you’ll: Learn about and comment on a proposed new water...

Posting of 2016 Member Engagement Process Update

Back in 2016, prior to the development of the current Eastsound Water website, a significant membership engagement process was initiated to explore the question of “How should the costs of operating and maintaining our water system be shared equitably and fairly among...

Residential Water Use Chart

How does your home's water use compare to others? This chart might help you understand how your water use compares to others. One of the features of the new rate structures being considered by the EWUA Board is eliminating the "base allotment" concept (5000...

2017 Annual Meeting Announcement

EWUA 2017 Annual Meeting Eastsound Water is hosting a membership meeting on Thursday, December 14, 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. at the Orcas Senior Center. A special rate committee made up from the Eastsound Water Board and general Association members, have worked throughout...

Avoiding a Costly Water Leak

Water for the future is a growing concern on Orcas. I get lots of questions about Eastsound Water’s ability to support the planned growth in our service area. Your Eastsound Water Board and staff are prepared to meet future demand AND continue to promote responsible...

Winterizing Tips

Sub-freezing conditions are just around the corner on Orcas. It’s time to start thinking about “winterizing”. The long range forecast for this coming winter includes a moderate chance of lower than normal temperatures. Below are some of Eastsound Water’s suggestions...

Subscribe to Our Mailing List

Eastsound Water members have overwhelmingly told us that email is their preferred way to be contacted. EWUA members are strongly encouraged to register their email address with us. In emergency situations, such as service outages, complications from winter storms, and potential public health concerns, we have found the ability to email our members a significant advantage. EWUA has a detailed Privacy Policy regarding the protected use of member’s emails.

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