Where there is a smoke there must be a….

Aug 15, 2024 | Recall Lawsuit(s)

Good morning, friends!

As we were walking around town this week we kept hearing the following about Eastsound Water:

“Where there’s smoke, there must be a fire.”

We love that proverb. We also love the one that reads:

“Where there’s smoke, there must be a pyromaniac.”

Of the two above, the latter is more appropriate to describe what’s going on here at Eastsound Water.

We have the equivalent of a firestarter running around Eastsound. One that’s trying to create a bunch of fires to fool the community that something really wrong is going on here at the water company. And there is. There’s a very public struggle for power over the water system that you own.

The goal? To take control of your water system.

The tactics being used here are very deceptive but deliberate. They are intended to create chaos and confusion – to create so much smoke that one can only assume there’s a problem with those running the Association.

This Tuesday, Steve Smith appeared in court with their lawyer Sean Alexander to demand a temporary restraining order (TRO) to halt to the recall process they initiated. Shawn Alexander advised his client that they had no basis for an emergency restraining order prior to the hearing. However, the suing party decided to spend your money to further drain our energy, endanger our financial stability and to keep us from doing our jobs. More smoke.

Watch for yourself:

This stunt is intended to distract the Association leaders and staff from moving forward with the business of delivering clean and safe drinking water, and the organizational process of setting up a member meeting to vote on the unprecedented recall of all 7 of your Board members.

While we continue on our mission, we took the time and effort to appear in court this week only to have the case dismissed for failing to pass a single test of the emergency restraining order requirements outlined in State law.

At the hearing, Sean Alexander said that, “the Board has done nothing to make progress on the recall.” Not much further in the hearing he admitted that he was midway through an amicable and agreed-upon election process with our attorney Rochelle Doyea. More smoke.

Smith knew this case would be thrown out of court yet he brought it anyway to create yet another smokescreen to confuse you.

Let us assure you that we are not confused.

It’s more important now than ever for you to understand what’s actually happening here. This small group is trying to make you to come to the conclusion that, “if there’s smoke, there must be a fire.” The intended result is to have you vote some hard-working longtime locals off the Board and install members of their “recall team.”

These are the same people who have sued you, broken laws and our bylaws by coordinating with the opposing party suing us, slandered several upstanding members of our community, and have abused your private customer data. Are those people worthy of your trust?

See this week’s court hearing for yourself. Watch the full video on our site and feel free to review Sean Alexander’s conversation with our counsel the week prior to this hearing.

Please stay engaged and keep your eyes open over the next several weeks. You have some important decisions to make soon.

The Eastsound Water Team

(360) 376-2127
286 Enchanted Forest Rd, Suite B102
Eastsound Water, WA 98245